Our People

Governance structure

Station 20 West Development Corporation is a not-for-profit charitable organization that owns and manages the Community Enterprise Centre. The corporation was created by a unanimous partnership agreement between CHEP Good Food Inc. (CHEP) and Quint Development Corporation (Quint) – the two organizations that spearheaded the development of Station 20 West. Quint and CHEP appoint four people each to the Station 20 West board, and the Executive Directors of each organization act as the Co-managers of Station 20 West.

The leaders of Station 20 West co-locating organizations meet monthly explore collaborative ways to better address inequities and improve quality of life for all citizens.

Donna Weldon

Director of operations

Donna has been the Community Coordinator for Station 20 West since 2012. Previously, she worked in administrative roles in northern Alberta for the Keeweetinok Lakes Health Region from 1999 to 2001 and Royal Canadian Mounted Police from 2001 to 2007.

Sheila Pocha

Board Member

Sheila Pocha is Program Head at Saskatoon’s Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program at the University of Saskatchewan.  She has taught in northern and urban settings and as a sessional lecturer for the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan.  She was a school principal for 15 years. 

Colleen Christopherson-Cote


Colleen is a community development consultant that specializes in collective impact and human services policy & practice. Over the last 9 years, she has lived in Saskatoon, working in a variety of roles including the coordinator of the Saskatoon Poverty Reduction Partnership, co-coordinator of the Safe Community Action Alliance, director of evaluation at the Saskatoon Housing Initiative Partnership, coordinator of the Saskatoon Early Years Partnership to name a few.

Jacqui Barclay

Board member

Jacqui has worked on the frontlines as a street outreach worker with the Street Health Program, Saskatchewan Health Authority for over 20 years. Through her work, she has witnessed the need to address social determinants and systemic inequalities to improve the well-being of individuals and revitalize communities. This is one of the key reasons Jacqui strongly believes in Station 20 West and has dedicated herself to its board.

Wanda Martin

Board Member

Wanda is an Associate Professor at the College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan. Her program of research is on the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically focused on health equity, food systems, and climate change. She is an advocate for green infrastructure, healthy housing, and is concerned with energy poverty.

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Your donation plays a key role in reducing poverty and inequity, and in creating a healthier and vibrant Saskatoon.