Our History
The seed of Station 20 West
In 2001, CHEP and Quint collaborated to try to bring a grocery store to the core neighbourhoods of Saskatoon. As work progressed, others expressed interest in co-locating with the store, and the idea expanded to the dream of a Community Enterprise Centre. The vision of the original founders was to create a hub of services and amenities that would stimulate investment and revitalization to the area.
History of development
From 2001 to 2005, Quint and CHEP developed business plans for both the Good Food Junction Co-op grocery store and Station 20 West. Over the next six years, development work involved securing public and private financing, finding and securing the location, finalizing co-locators and designing the building. Construction began about ten years after the initial planning began.
Milestones, Successes & Challenges
- Initial business plan completed – 2006
- Station 20 West Development Corporation created – 2007
- Province announces $8 million for Station 20 West – Spring 2007
- New Provincial Government withdraws $8 million – March 2008
- 3000 people come out to community walk to support S20W – April 2008
- Community raises $3 million through many different fundraising efforts – 2008 – 2011
- Construction begins in July 2011
- Station 20 West opens in October 2012
- Good Food Junction Closes – 2016
- Elizabeth Fry Society moves into Station 20 West – 2017
- Saskatoon Mothers’ Centre leaves Staton 20 West – October 2019
- Saskatoon Housing Initiative Partnership moves into Station 20 West – October 2020

The Good Food Junction
The initial concept for Station 20 West developed from the idea of a community owned food store that would serve the west side core neighbourhoods. At the time, the area was without a full service grocery store, and the development of the Good Food Junction was an attempt to meet that need. Station 20 West was developed to provide a space to house the food store, and soon after, the idea emerged to co-locate other services and organizations alongside the store. After a great deal of planning and organizing, the Good Food Junction store opened in September of 2012. It was a small store compared to most supermarkets today, but it was a full service grocery store. The business model was a member run co-op governed by a volunteer board and employed community residents. The dream of a community-owned food store in the core neighbourhoods came to an end when the store closed in 2016 due to insufficient sales.

Our Founding Donors
$1,000 - $4,999
Grosvenor Park United Church, Willette Neijmeijer, St Anne’s Church, Max and Nancy Coates, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Joan Page, Anthony Haynes, Paul Wilkinson, Louise Gagne, Jacqui Barclay & Greg Curtis, Ron Beechinor, Harvey Clarke, Martin & Sylvia Gerard, Marianne Neufeld, Sisters of Mission Service, Len Usiskin & Priscilla Settee, Carmel & Frank Dodd, Lyle & Carol Minogue, Alexander Ervin, George & Alice L. Kusch, D. Jean Hopkins, Ronald & Jean Morrison, Thelma Marie Howard, Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, Mount Royal Mennonite Church, Unitarian Congregation of Saskatoon, Gail Zink, Saskatoon Housing Authority, Bernice Harrison, Lillian M. Morgan, Aurelia Grimes, Dr. Anne Doig, August & Jean Jacek, Randy & Shirley Katzman, Lila Rudachyk, Carol Boyle, Betsy Bury, Doug Wolfe, Dennis Schaefer & Sandra Finney, Heather Kleiner, Dick & Jenny Neal, WiIliam & Kathleen Bender, Steven Lewis, David Forbes, St. Philip Neri Parish, Leslie & Evelyn Bartel, Bob & Corinne Kirkpatrick, Barry Singer, Joe Parker Family Foundation, St. Martin’s United Church, St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Terrence & Shirley Hellquist, Clinton Hilliard, William A. & Mary E. Chapman, Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, Margaret Lowry, Mary Richiger, Jan Bigland-Pritchard, Gracie Anderson, United Way of Saskatoon & Area, David Carpenter, Don Kossick, Wildwood Mennonite Church, N. Friesen, Hazel Kelly, J. Duane & Sheila Koch, Tim Quigley, Saints Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church, A E. Matheson, Dr. Charles & Angie Britton, Rev. Bill Blackmon, (Mary) Lou Chrones, Lawrence Fields, Wally & Carolene Funk, Jan-Mark & Sharon Gustafson, Elaine Harrison, Rolf A. Jansson, Tammy Niina, Bernard & Mary Sonntag, Irene Trofimenkoff, Millenium Lions Club, St. John’s Anglican Cathedral, Angela & Rob Thomas, James & Lillian McKay, Deanna Hawkins, Allan Klassen, James Basinger, Iris Hauser, Mennonite Cornerstone Church, Bonnie Lawrence, Alan & Trudy Reese, St. Cecilia’s ACW, Beth & Dennis Johnson, Margaret Fredeen, Joye Binnie, Meredith McKague, Lorne Wright, St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Roberta Dubois, PSAC Saskatoon & Area District Council, Louise Burns, Albert & Leila Munro, Donna Parkinson, Martin Berard, Jacob Driedger, Jan & Spencer Early, Kathryn Howsam, Michael Keeling, Pauline Kilduff, Ruth Mireau, Randall & Isabelle Nelson, Leslie Paquin, Doreen Scott, Episcopal Corporation of Saskatoon, St. Anne’s Knights of Columbus, Tim Hutchinson, Joseph C. Saucier, St. Philip Neri CWL, Lucia Clark, Elizabeth Cook, Mike Derbowka, Gary Emde, Agnes Helmink, Myrtle Pennock, Alan & Edda Ryan, Marnie Linder, Joyce & Karl Lenz, Saskatoon Inner City Council of Churches, AODBT, Adele Smillie, Grain Services Union, Neil Reddekopp, Winona Senner, Tom Gardiner, Elaine Lee & Dr. Stephen Helliar, Margaret C. Leaker, Kevin & Marnie Linder, John Brian Senior, Brescia Centre Ursuline Sisters, F. Louise Griffith, James R. Miller, Louise & Michael Paynter, Brent Dunlop, Norman Lipinski, Donna Bruce, Ruth Robinson, Alma Wiebe, Patricia Howson, Heather Jensen, Garth Van Der Kamp, Judith A. Schmid, John Sheard, Bernadette R. Vangool, Sr. Anne Lewans, Gerard & Georgiana Chartier, Kate W. Toews, Thomas & Lillian M. Morgan, Saskatchewan Government and General Employee’s Union (SGEU), St. Joseph’s Parish, Linda A. Charlton, Karen Archibald, Krista Baerg, Margaret (Peggy) Durant, Knox United Church, Ches Burns, John Glenn Custer, William & Inger DeCoursey, Richard Devon, Orlo & Karen Drewitz, Peter & Joan Flood, Ashton Francis, June Friesen, Dorothy Hannon, Loretta Hansen, Darren Howarth, Monica & Bryan Johnson, George Keter, Brenda Klassen, Anjani Koneru, James Kracher, Ted & Brenda Ledding, Paul W. & Edith Lucy Newman, Arnold Moen Nijssen, Jim & Marion Penna, Janet Potter, Loreen Rawlyk, Russ Regier. Linda Regush, June Semple, Bal Jit Singh, E Roy & Janet L Smith, Jacqueline Stokvis-Flaherty, Audrey Uthe, Kathryn Waygood, Susan & Mark Wittrup, Angeline Wollbaum, Daniel Reeves & Karen Wooller, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 615, Holy Spirit Parish, Max Bell Foundation, Redemptorists, Saskatoon & District Labour Council, Saskatoon City Employees Credit Union, Saskatoon Millennium Lions Club, Saskatoon, Millennium Lions Club “Bingo”, St. Patrick Parish, Sun Local 107, City Hospital, David Gauley, United General Workers Local #1, Hitachi Foundation, Hitachi Canadian Industries, Caswell Hill Community Association, Health Science Student Association, First Year Medical Students, U of S, Mary Rosdahl, Deloitte and Touche Foundation Canada, University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine Class of 2008, Saskatoon Jazz Society, Sisters of Mission Service, Affinity Credit Union – Community Spirit Fund, A.S.K. Law, 30617301 Manitoba Ltd., Holy Family CWL, St. Thomas More College, Information Services Corporation (ISC), Knights of Columbus St. Anne’s Council, Colonial Pub and Grill, Lumaz Developments Inc., Jack Newman, RR & C Professional Corporation, Saskatchewan Pharmacists and Nutritionists Students’ Society, Nora Sarich, Saskatoon City Employees Credit Union Manager’s Trust Account, Saskatoon Nursing Students Society Inc., Cliff Shockey, St. Anne’s CWL, St. Cecilia’s ACW, St. John Anglican Church, Trustees of Congregation of St. Paul’s United Church, St. Thomas Wesley United Church, Angeline Wolbaum, Richard Zimmerman
$5,000 - $9,999
Dickson, Harold Chapman, John D. Bury, Cliff & Betty Wright, Saskatchewan Joint Board, United Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Saskatchewan Cooperative Association, United Steel Workers Saskatoon Council, Donald & Carole Wright, Ron & Catherine Mills, St. Paul’s United Church, Ruth Hildebrand, Augustana Lutheran Church, Maria Neijmeijer, Don & Dolores Ebert, Cathy Arnold, Irene Rosdahl, Faith Rohrbough, Anita Langford, Halvor Hopkins & Brenda O’Connor, Circle Drive Alliance Church, Landry Family Foundation, Turning the Tide Bookstore, Cooperators – Ontario, Student Medical Society of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Community Clinic, Mourning Glory Funeral Services, Brian and Jennifer Neal, UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers Union) Local 1400
$10,000 - $24,999
Shannon & Ryan Rogal, Saskatchewan Liquor & Gaming Authority, Marion McLeod Ursulines of St. Angela’s Convent, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Gene & Adele Dupuis, Susan Whiting & Alan Deschner, Myrna Helen Sprecker, Saint John Bosco Catholic Parish, St Mary’s Charity, Ann & Ewen Coxworth, Howard Family Foundation Inc, Anglican Diocese of Saskatoon, Wayne Brownlee, Brian & Jennifer Neal, C. Neil Ouellette, Daniel & Brenda Skaret, B’nai Brith, Carmelle Toner, CWL Clothing Depot, Millennium Housing Cooperative Ltd., Caleb Construction, St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Parish, SEIU West Local 333, Robert & Margaret Sanche, Isobel & Len Findlay, St Paul’s Cathedral, McClure United Church, Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) Local 101 – St Paul’s Hospital, Valerie Veillard & Bob Eaton, Dr. Joanne & Mr. Fred Kappel, GDP Construction Corporation, Quint Development Corporation, Filles de la Providence
$25,000 - $99,999
Joan Bell, Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation, John Allen & Cornelia Gutwin, Michele & William Wright, Brian & Kathy Turnquist, Henry Hamm, Bruce & Marlene Loraas, Anonymous Donor, Ev Burnett & Dean Jones, Anonymous Donor, Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Foundation
Affinity Credit Union, Helen Baker, Jim and Lisa Yuel, John V. Remai Foundation, Joe Remai, Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) , Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) National
Wright Construction Western Inc., aodbt Architecture + Interior Design, City of Saskatoon, Saskatoon Churches

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